Our Leadership

Who We Are
Leading with Passion
We’re only as strong as our people, and we’ve got some of the best. Every person at Family Crisis Centers is committed to the mission to end violence. Every employee at Family Crisis Centers shows up to work every day with a passion for helping others.
Our Leadership
Our leadership team works together to ensure the vision and strategic direction of Family Crisis Centers is moving forward. If you want to talk about some aspect of our organization, please feel free to reach out to anyone on our leadership team.

Jessica Rohrs
Executive Director
Jessica started her career at Family Crisis Centers in 2015. She has bachelor’s degree in public administration, a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and a minor in family studies. She obtained a Masters of Public Administration from Dordt University. Prior to joining Family Crisis Centers, Jessica held various leadership positions at the Boys & Girls Club of Brookings.
As Executive Director, Jessica works alongside Family Crisis Centers’ Board of Directors to guide the direction of the organization to ensure high quality services are provided to victims of crime. She enjoys the opportunity to connect FCC’s mission with the communities we serve, and supporting FCC advocates as they work with victims of crime.
“I choose to work for Family Crisis Centers because I care deeply about the mission of serving victims of violent crimes. Being able to meet individuals in their grief, walk alongside them as they heal, and empower them to create a life free from violence is a true honor.”

Daniel Den Boer
Director of Operations
Daniel started his career at Family Crisis Centers in 2023. He has a Master’s in Theological Studies from Duke University and is scheduled to complete a Master’s of Social Work from the University of Iowa in 2025. Prior to joining Family Crisis Centers, Daniel served as the Director of ATLAS Orange City Area.
As the Director of Operations, Daniel is responsible for leading all of FCC’s victim service divisions and ensuring that victims and survivors of violent crimes receive excellent services from our advocates.
“When survivors of abuse or violent crimes are left isolated during or after a crisis, a horrible event can turn into a lonely and tragic life. Our advocates can respond immediately to crisis – mitigating the individual and generational fallout of crisis. In so doing, our agency helps to break cycles of violence and strive towards a future where everyone will be free from violence.”

Sheri Work
Director of Finance
Sheri started her career at Family Crisis Centers in 2013. She has a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Administration, along with an inactive CPA license. Prior to joining Family Crisis Centers, Sheri worked as an auditor for privately held companies in the health care and not-for-profit industries.
As the Director of Finance, Sheri manages a variety of fiscal and accounting functions in the areas of general accounting, accounts payable, payroll, and financial reporting. She is responsible for the organization’s annual operational budget that includes multiple federal, state, and other grant requests. She analyzes and initiates modifications to the annual operational budget and maintains accurate records of all spending to various services for individual grant budgets.
“I choose to work at Family Crisis Centers because of my belief in the mission of the agency. It is incredible to work for an organization in which everyone is working towards a similar goal to positively impact people’s lives. I believe that despite not working directly with clients, I play an important part of the purpose by supporting the work the advocates do each day.”

Tara Raman
Director of Marketing & Development
Tara started her career at Family Crisis Centers in 2015. She has a bachelor’s degree in Communication: Public Relations. She is scheduled to complete a Master of Business Administration in Marketing in 2025. Prior to joining Family Crisis Centers, Tara worked in marketing at American State Bank.
As the Director of Marketing & Development, Tara works alongside the Executive Director to ensure the financial sustainability of Family Crisis Centers through fundraising initiatives and development strategies. She also develops and implements plans to promote the Family Crisis Centers mission and increase awareness of the organization. Tara collaborates with employees throughout the organization to continuously try and reach more people in need of help.
“The mission of Family Crisis Centers is close to my heart. I want to help create a world where people feel safe and children know what it’s like to grow up in a happy, healthy home. I’m grateful for the opportunity to do that in my own way. I get to help lead people to Family Crisis Centers, where our incredible advocates can walk alongside them. I love being able to grow our support and resources so our advocates can do what they do best.”

Mindy Lapka
Human Resources Manager
Mindy started her career at Family Crisis Centers in 2018. She has degrees in Criminal Justice and Business Administration, and Human Resource Management. Prior to joining Family Crisis Centers, she worked in higher education in various roles assisting with hiring, compliance, grievance liaison with ombudsman office, academic advising, and career counseling. Before starting her position as the Human Resources Manager, she worked in various roles at Family Crisis Centers including as the Child Advocate, Victim Advocate for our domestic violence services, and Crime Victim Advocate for our homicide and other crimes services.
As the Human Resources Manager, Mindy ensures that employees have the resources they need to perform their job well. Mindy’s day-to-day consists of hiring, training, completing background checks, assisting with employee benefits, and staff support. Mindy likes to make sure everyone is compliant by ensuring the handbook and policies are up to date as well as keeping track of staff evaluations and certifications. Mindy also loves recognizing staff birthdays and work anniversaries to show appreciation.
“When I applied to work for FCC I did so because I loved helping people and seeing the difference that was made in their lives and my own. Why I choose to continue to work for FCC is seeing the people around me having a real passion for the work we do. It is incredibly inspiring and encouraging when everyone is working toward the same mission of reaching as many people as we can and growing community awareness of our services. Making the switch to HR, I thought instead of the advocacy role, now I can advocate for the people that do the work that make the change.”

Kelsey Van De Berg
Grants Administrator
Kelsey started her career at Family Crisis Centers in 2016. She has a degree in Spanish Translation and Interpretation. Before starting her position as the Grant Administrator, Kelsey worked in various roles at Family Crisis Centers including as an Advocate for the statewide hotline, Advocate for our advocacy in health clinics services, and as a Crime Victim Advocate for our homicide and other crimes services.
As the Grant Administrator, Kelsey researches prospective grant opportunities, develops the proposal in cooperation with the administrative team, submits proposals, and assists with the implementation of newly awarded grant projects. Kelsey also ensures Family Crisis Centers is compliant with all grant requirements, completes funder reports, and audits internal data to affirm that the project is on track to meet targeted grant goals.
“Leaving the world a better place than how I found it is a goal I hope to accomplish in life. With violence affecting so many people in one way or another, helping survivors in the aftermath of violence and toward healing can certainly make the world a better place! I wholeheartedly believe everyone deserves to live a life free from violence, and that’s why I work tirelessly to that end.”

Carol Adkins
Administrative Assistant
Carol started her career at Family Crisis Centers in 2019. Prior to joining Family Crisis Centers, she worked as a Scheduling Department Manager at Staples Promotional Products for 45 years. The role was primarily serving as a manger of a staff that served as liaisons between the sales divisions of the company and all manufacturing departments.
As the Administrative Assistant, Carol performs a variety of duties that are essential to moving the organization forward. She supports the Executive Director as well as provides support to the various Directors within the agency. She supports the Board Members of the agency by attending and taking minutes at all Board and Committee meetings.
“I came as a volunteer looking to fulfill a void I had after retiring from a high demanding somewhat stressful job. I was looking for a job with flexibility of less hours as well as being able to contribute to the agency which was fulfilling a mission that I felt I wanted to play a part in contributing to. My goal was to utilize my talents that I felt I gained from my previous work experience in more meaningful role of helping others.”
Our Board of Directors
We are fortunate to have an exceptional Board of Directors dedicated to advancing the mission of Family Crisis Centers. In partnership with our Executive Director, they provide essential governance and oversight, ensuring the organization’s vision and strategic direction align with our mission to end violence. Each month, these passionate leaders volunteer their time and expertise, bringing diverse professional backgrounds and perspectives from communities across Iowa. We are proud to entrust this critical responsibility to such a committed and dynamic team.

Danielle Crough
Board President, Interstates

Matt Nice
Board Vice President, Center Fresh

Heath Baker
Kroese & Kroese

Dan Hibma
Vision Builders

Becky Kinnamon
State Court Administration

Brandon Woudstra
American State Bank

Nicole Evans
Northwest Bank

Kelly Goslinga
Clabaugh & Goslinga, PLC

Jill Harms
Blink Marketing

Rob Bixenman
Ambank Company